I bought the seven round magazine for it as well, and it looks a bit strange with it in. The stock handle was meant for the six round mag, so the seven round mag sticks out a bit. I have yet to carry with it so I can't say how that will affect me. Right now, I don't think it will matter much, but if it does, I will use the seven round mag when I go to the range, and the six round mag when carrying. I don't think that one round will make a huge difference, but, with the six round mag, I am giving up four rounds to my Taurus.
I will take it shooting today, so I will report back on how well I do. I will be mighty disappointed if it does not perform well right out of the box. This gun is significantly more expensive than the Taurus, so I do expect better performance right away. I don't expect to shoot clover leafs at 30 yards, but I do expect the bullets to go where I want them to.
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