You think that throwing tea in April of 2009 will help even a little bit? You think you have a voice? 54% of people think Capitalism is better than Socialism, and you morons are throwing tea.
You all bitch about how the mainstream media will not cover your protests. The next election is in November of 2010. There is no point to covering what is essentially one group of people flogging themselves. I like masturbating as much as the next guy, but I don't go running down the streets afterward crying for attention afterwards.
What was significant about the Boston Tea Party was that the ones who perpetrated it could have been hung for what they did. They knew that the crown would want their blood, and would do damn near anything they wanted to get it. Those Bostonians did it anyway. Ball the size of boulders. Who is threatening you as you throw your Lipton Tea on the capital steps?
Elections have consequences. You KNEW President Obama was going to do this when he was Senator Obama. Save your angst for November 2010. It was only after the conservative movement took the House and Senate that Bill Clinton was put in to check. was only after the conservative movement took the House and Senate that a budget surplus was realized. was only after the conservative movement took the House and Senate that the era of big government was announced dead.
So, throw your tea today. See what good it does you. Don't compare yourself to the patriots of 1773. You are a pussy. They were not.
Ass Kickers
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