My job does not define me. It simply provides me with money to support my martial arts, aviation, and beer habits. If I did not get paid for doing what I do... I would not be doing it. I would be doing something else that got me paid. However, I like to think that I have some qualities that do translate to the work environment. I like to think that I am a loyal guy. I gave 9 years to my last employer, before I was forced to leave them. Before that I gave 2 years to my previous employer, before they let me go after the company was acquired by another company and my position was eliminated. Before that the manager that hired me was eliminated, the division was dissolved, and I was put on the bench. I still kept with them.
I got a call from a recruiter last week. He had a reasonably interesting spot in mind for me, basically I would be setting up a new SharePoint environment for a company with about 2000 users. He asked me what it would take to get me to leave my current company. I said that the new company would have to be something that I could get behind, I would need to be in a position that I could make a difference, and the pay would have to kick my pay up significantly. Essentially it was a blow off. I quoted a salary requirement that I figured that the company would not accept. He sounded a bit discouraged, and said that IF he could get all that I asked for, would I allow him to submit my resume to this company. I acquiesced.
The recruiter called this morning. Called to let me know that he was submitting my resume to the company. Interesting.
So now, I have to ask myself. If I am offered the job, do I leave my current company after 6 months to go to another company. By leaving so soon I am not just burning bridges, I am hooking up C4 to the bridges and blowing them to kingdom come. The current company is notorious for holding grudges. I would be eligible for rehire, but never given a chance to.
So it comes to this... Am I a whore? The only reason that I would be going to the new company would be for the money. Honestly, the new place is not going to have the benefits of my current company. It won't have the kick ass fitness center, it wont have the kick ass boxing class, it won't have the kick ass 401(K) matching program (100% up to 15%), and it won't have the IT resources of my current company. BUT I would have more influence, more money, and more vacation time...
Am I a whore?
No, you've stated you are only working to enable you hobbies.
As much as we all like to believe that loyalty to a company is good, the company has no loyalty to you. It is a company, it doesn't exist to be loyal, it exists to make money.
I find it admirable that you are a loyal man but you need to take care of yourself and family. if you can do that better with another company, then there is nothing wrong with that.
one thing though, even though you stated you work to enable your hobbies, the tone of your post makes it seem that isn't 100% true. If its not then is more money going to make you happy? or even enable you more. if you dread going to work every day is the $ going to make it all better?
Is the $ going to make it all better? Yes. Yes it is.
then have fun while it lasts!
Your whore... There is no question about that! But I agree that you deserve the right to be the main man. You'll make the right decision, you always do!
Hey Kevin, done giving Matt a HJ via the internet machine?
Here's the real deal; Unless you're SIGNIFICANTLY raising your salary, go with the better work environment, friendlier people, reasonable management, etc. Sounds like the current place does a good job of making the office a better place to be. If the new potential employeer has a lower 401K match, more expensive insurance, and adds stress to your life, the net gain looks less attractive.
You spend more time in the office than you do with family. If you go with the place that you like better, you'll be more productive, valuable, and the compensation and rewards will come eventually.
Your blog is boring. Where are the ninja pictures? Hmmm, maybe I just can't see them. Damn sneaky ninjas.
To quote Matt Meyer; "If you're a lover and not a fighter, what happens when a fighter kicks your ass and takes your woman?"
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