The last one is the one that made me think... Am I happy? At my last job I went in with the attitude that I am an administrator who is stepping in to his first developer job. I had the attitude that I really didn't belong in that role, and that I was just happy to be there. I was treated in much the same way. Given a little bit of code to work on, but mostly I was there to do Web Administration.
After the first two or three months, I realized that the code that the "senior" guys were writing wasn't any better than mine. I realized that the only thing I lacked was a deeper understanding of common design patterns. It was when I tried to please everyone that I would screw up. If I did what I knew how to do, I would write solid good applications.
I then started to look around at what the administrators were doing. They were still manually moving files for deployments, and not taking advantage of scripting and other modern deployment methods. I cut deployment time from several minutes to several seconds, let alone the time it took for the administrators to get enough time to actually do the deployment. After the development of the script was done, my deployments were as simple, and as quick, as a double click.
However, the attitude that I brought to the job in the beginning had become what the others in the team thought of me. Thus, my ideas and innovations were treated just as an entry level person's would. They were not necessarily ignored, but all other options from other people would be examined before my ideas were looked at. It was very difficult for me to swallow, but it was my own attitude that created this situation.
I attempted to change the way others thought about me, change my attitude, and establish myself as a vital member of the team. The damage was done, and it would take a long time to pull myself out of the hole I had dug for myself.
Then, my new brother in law said that I should check out his company. I did, and found that they were looking for a guy with my skills. I walked in to the interviews like the developer/admin/ass kicker I am. I scored the job, and negotiated a sizable raise in the process. I started with the attitude that got me such success in my other jobs. My attitude was that I am a valuable member of the team. My ideas count. I am an experienced seasoned professional, and I am being hired to be a linchpin in the organization.
The attitude change has made all the difference for me. I have immediately been able to join development efforts and make an impact from the very first day. My name is out in the firm as a strong team member, and I am being requested by name to join projects. I have only been at the company for 2 months, but already I am becoming known.
With only an attitude adjustment, and a change of scenery. So am I happy? So far I am, but it has little to do with the change of job. It has everything to do with a change of attitude.

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