Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu!!

Cool! I get to witness the next great influenza pandemic!! The U.S. is completely safe though, cause the disease started in Mexico. Our border with Mexico is so secure that there is no way an infected person could make it in. It is not like any of Mexico's vast population infected with TB ever makes it through. Yup, I get to just sit back and watch the flu rage through other countries that did not insulate themselves against illegal immigration.
It is a good thing that our Congress appropriated money to build a fence. That way we can keep out all of the people that we don't want to enter our nation...


legobuff said...
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legobuff said...

sit back and enjoy this...,-110.390625&spn=15.738151,25.488281&source=embed

NattoNinja said...

This is obviously an attempt to scare the American public. Our borders are secure and safe. We have checks to get in to the country. We are not importing Swine Flu.